Building for Linux

Building on Linux is made from source code and requires installation of additional libraries to work with vr helmet hardware, graphics acceleration, etc.
Commands for installation are given for Debian OS, for other OS use the appropriate package manager.
Build sequence:

  1. Install the compiler and build programs: git, cmake, g++, xxd
    sudo apt install git cmake g++ xxd
  2. Install libraries: libvlccore-dev, libvlc-dev, libhidapi-dev, libglfw3-dev, libglm-dev:
    sudo apt install libvlccore-dev libvlc-dev libvlc-dev libhidapi-dev libglfw3-dev libglm-dev
  3. Download the code from github or gitflic: run the command in your home directory:
    git clone -b main
  4. Build psvr-player and install it:
    cd psvr-player
    cmake -B build
    cmake –build build
    sudo cmake –install build