Command Line

Command Line Options:


--listscreens – display a list of screens and exit

--help – display help information and exit

--play=<file-name> – enable playback of file-name file

--version – display the software version and exit


--layer=sbs|ou|mono – use layer scheme: sbs – right-to-left (horizontal anamorphic stereo pair), ou – top-to-bottom (vertical anamorphic stereo pair), mono – image without 3D

--swaplayer – change images for left and right sides

--swapcolor – correct color palette (if colors are broken)

--vision=full|semi|flat – use VR volume: full – full volume 360 (view and commercial movies), semi – half volume 180 (immersive movies), flat – flat image (regular 3D movies).

--screen=<screen> – select the screen on which the image will be displayed. The list of screens can be obtained via the list screens command